Rainwater Collection in Washington State: Where to Begin?

We want to keep our families safe, but when we read stories about sustainability, water conservation, saving the environment, aging infrastructure, even poisoned public water systems – how on earth are we supposed to know where to begin when it comes to rainwater collection? Here are some tips that can help you decide where to … Continue reading Rainwater Collection in Washington State: Where to Begin?

Is Your Water System Contaminated?

You finally planted that garden you’ve always wanted and your first crop has made it to your family’s table. Now you learn that your public water system is contaminated – and has been for years. Your beautiful tomatoes, green beans and peppers have been cultivated with contaminated water. When we read that thousands of public … Continue reading Is Your Water System Contaminated?

Can You Drink Rainwater?

Can you drink rainwater? Despite increasing awareness about rainwater harvesting and its benefits, there is still word to get out about how and why collecting rainwater makes sense in a world where resources are limited and sometimes nonexistent. Whether due to drought conditions or aging infrastructure, millions of people around the world don’t have access to … Continue reading Can You Drink Rainwater?