Category Archives: Residential Rainwater Collection

Can Seattle Benefit From Green Infrastructure?

Can Seattle benefit from green infrastructure?
Orcas in Puget Sound, by Mark Sears

The EPA is helping cities by offering guidelines on controlling storm water management and the effect that runoff has on our environment.

Here in the Pacific Northwest, our lives revolve around the Puget Sound. Being good custodians of this natural resource that provides jobs, beauty, food, and recreation to many of us is essential to our quality of life.

Learn more about rainwater collection by subscribing to these blog posts below.

Seattle Homeowners Save Money With Rainwater Collection

Seattle Homeowners Save Money With Rainwater CollectionAs many commercial buildings are finding out that rainwater catchment can save money, Seattle homeowners are discovering that a well designed-rainwater collection system for potable usage can save money for them as well.

With storage of a few thousand gallons of rainwater and its proper filtration and disinfection, the average home in Seattle can provide good, clean, potable water for their household regardless of roofing material. You no longer need to have a metal roof to collect rainwater for household use.

RainBank has recently designed potable systems in Seattle for single family homes with asphalt shingle roofs by using deionization – a process that is proving to provide ultra pure water. The deionization process can remove all toxins from the roofing material. Samples from raw water from the downspouts are taken and the deionization filtration is designed specifically to remove the specific toxins. A custom deionization filtration system along with UV disinfection is allowing Seattle homeowners with asphalt shingle roofs to collect and use rainwater for potable use.

Seattle Homeowners Save Money With Rainwater Collection2Buried tanks allow a homeowner to store a significant amount of rainwater without taking up any of the yard area or having tanks alongside the house, leaving landscaping to be the focal point not water storage. RainBank is a leader in innovative designs to fit customers’ wants and needs for residential and commercial water use of rainwater collection.

Should You be Concerned About Storm Water and the Seattle Environment?

Should You be Concerned About Storm Water and the Seattle Environment?Storm water is a concern in the Puget Sound area. Storm drains are overwhelmed during a large event resulting in sewage being released in our waterways. Fish, shellfish, and marine animals experience the brunt of these spills. Plus, toxins from roof run-off enter our storm water systems with every rainfall. Roof runoff carries oil from our driveways into the drain system and into the Puget Sound. Pesticides, fertilizers, and pet fecal matter is carried from or roof runoff into the street drainage system and into the storm water resulting in these pollutants entering the ecosystem.

By collecting the rainwater from our roofs and redirecting it to be used for irrigation, laundry facilities, toilet flushing, and potable whole house usage, residential runoff can be greatly reduced causing less impact on our environment.

The State of Washington has allowed rainwater collection for residential and commercial usage since 2009.

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