Category Archives: Rainwater Catchment

What Pumps Work Best for a Rainwater Collection System?

Depending on the desired use of your rainwater collection system, and tank configuration there are a variety of types of pumps that are best suited to meet the needs.

There are three classifications of pumps for conveyance of water: direct lift, displacement, and gravity pumps. Pumps can be operated by electricity, wind, or solar. Mechanical pumps can be submersible, or external. Centrifugal pumps are the most often applied in rainwater collection systems and are referred to as a “dynamic pump”.  A centrifugal pump is a dynamic pump and uses an impeller with back sweeping veins or arms and can be operated against a closed valve, allowing for an “on demand” or continuous energy.

Positive displacement pumps will deliver a constant amount of discharge no matter what the discharge pressure is and must not run against a closed valve on the discharge side. Damage can be a result if flow is restricted on the discharge side. Pump operation must be controlled by the suction side of the pump, stopping the flow to the pump. An electrical interruption of the pump operation is the method typically used.

Pumps used to move water for potable applications must meet “safe drinking water” standards and be lead free, and should also be water cooled. 220 or 120 volt pumps are available for what suits your electrical requirements. Solar powered pumps are becoming increasingly popular, combining rainwater collection and solar for a sustainable system

Sizing the pump by gallons per minute (GPM) and pounds per square inch (PSI) required for optimal operation of the pump is necessary. Volume of water required and what pressure is desired will determine the “size” of your pump. Diameter of pipe, both suction and discharge, friction, (turns & length) and restrictions all need to be considered in sizing a pump. Manufacturer’s pump curves are a “must” when selecting a pump.

The pump selected for your rainwater collection system is the heart of your system and careful consideration of intended use and requirements will ensure optimum performance, reliability, and life span.

Sustainable Rainwater Harvesting Practices

ARCSA conf 2014_2BlogRainBank Rainwater Systems president Ken Blair is ARCSA’s Western Regional Representative

RainBank Rainwater Systems president Ken Blair is excited to accept the position of Western Regional Representative for the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA), whose mission is “to promote sustainable rainwater harvesting practices to help solve potable, and non-potable, stormwater and energy challenges throughout the world.”

Ken has more than ten years’ experience in design and installation of systems and supports ARCSA as a lifetime member. He is an accredited professional, inspector specialist, as well as a published contributor to magazine articles, case studies, books and publications.

Ken will be reaching out to local agencies and community organizations to educate them on best practices and benefits of rainwater collection and sustainable rainwater harvesting. RainBank Rainwater Systems will share scheduled ARCSA events on our blog, as well as lending a hand with ARCSA events and education classes. Ken will be an advisor to the education committee of ARCSA and will assist with planning of local events and classes.

If you are interested in more information, or have questions or comments concerning rainwater collection, please contact Ken Blair using the easy form below.

Rainwater Harvesting Industry Conference

ARCSA conf 2014_Ken Blair_blogRainBank’s Ken Blair has been busy attending the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA) conference in Phoenix, AZ.  Yesterday, he delivered his own seminar on Urban Rainwater Case Studies.

ARCSA conf 2014 blogTo further his own knowledge of the rainwater harvesting industry, Ken sat in on several other professional presentations: ARCSA’s involvement in community education, net zero water development concepts, a green plumbing technical overview, low impact development, and then gave his own presentation on urban rainwater case studies and its relation to storm water runoff.

Today, Ken will attend an Inspection Specialist workshop. This class will advance Ken’s accredited professional endorsement to Inspection Specialist. Ken is also pleased to announce he was voted in as northwest regional representative of ARCSA and will be an advisor to the education committee.

RainBank Rainwater Systems is proud to be part of this fine rainwater harvesting organization and is committed to help lead the way in its advancement of education and promotion of the rainwater collection industry.

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