Tag Archives: California State Water Board

California Gets Proactive About Drought

half-dome-534768_640Finally, some great news about the California drought!

A recent release from the California State Water Board  (also shared by ARCSA) announced a $30 million grant to be awarded to 30 school districts for education on stormwater capture and conservation.

The drought response outreach program (DROPS) for schools was established by the California State Water Board and will include on campus rainwater collection systems, bio swales,water wise landscaping along with education of conservation.

Education, including hands on experience, will help students understand the importance of conservation and how to plan for tomorrow. California Governor Brown and the State Water Board clearly understand that the time is now to do something about future water availability. Proactive response to a 4 year drought has been implemented. Let’s hope other states, including Washington State, take notice and follow with their own programs.