Tag Archives: Rainwater collection

Is Your Commercial Building Project Flushing Money Down the Drain?

Is Your Commercial Building Project Flushing Money Down the Drain?A well designed rainwater catchment system can save a commercial building a lot of money that is just being flushed down the drain.

Many Seattle businesses are now incorporating rainwater collection in their new construction designs. Harvested rainwater is being used for irrigation, toilet flushing, and washdown, which saves business owners a significant amount of money.

Is Your Commercial Building Project Flushing Money Down the Drain?

Are you aware that the majority of water usage for a commercial building is toilet flushing? The average person will flush a toilet at work 3 times a day, so multiplied by the total number of people employed at that establishment, that can add up.

Do you know that storm water run-off charges are being added to your water and sewer bills?  This adds dollars to operating costs.

Do you want to know how to save money on your commercial building project?  Complete the form below.

Rainwater Harvesting Education for Developing Countries

Rainwater Harvesting Education for Developing CountriesRainBank Rainwater Catchment System’s president Ken Blair is a co founder and former director of Bank on Rain, a non profit organization providing solutions to developing countries for clean drinking water. Over the past few years, Ken has enjoyed traveling to Sierra Leone Africa, along with others, to assist in providing clean drinking water and sanitation education to school children.

While stepping down from the Bank on Rain board, Ken plans to expand his philanthropic efforts with education offerings to organizations seeking to promote rainwater collection. As such, Ken plans to teach nonprofits and other groups how to introduce rainwater collection in developing countries.

By expanding his reach and working with many to achieve his goals, Ken states. “I feel my talents can be used on a broader spectrum by working with many organizations rather than just one. The need for clean drinking water is a world-wide issue and there are many groups that do good work – all of which need support from contributors and volunteers.”

For more information about rainwater harvesting education for developing countries, please complete and submit the form below.

Federal Way School District Rainwater Catchment Installation

Federal Way Public Schools

The Federal Way School District uses its RainBank installed rainwater collection system for bus and district vehicle washing. With eight 2,500 gallon tanks yielding 20,000 gallons of storage, there will be ample amounts of water for the tasks during the school year and rainy season, plus a surplus for the summer for irrigation of new plantings.

With well over 10,000 square feet of roof and an average annual rainfall  of 37 inches, the school should go into the summer with full tanks and have an added 2-4 inches of rain in the summer to help keep the water storage tanks full.  Ken Blair says “I like seeing more innovative ways to utilize rainfall in our region. You can’t find a better climate for rainwater harvesting than the Pacific North West”.