Tag Archives: Peru

The Fog Catcher

Necessity is the mother of Invention.

Nearly one million people living in Lima, Peru now have access to clean, safe water. An innovator named Abel Cruz decided to do something about it and started collecting water from fog. A very simple idea to collect the water latent fog with meshing and conveying it by gravity to cisterns.

According to an article in Nature World News, “The “fog catcher” is composed of rectangular sails made up from a net typically used in plant nurseries. The structure is about 4×10 to 4×8 meters in size supported by two vertical poles. The device collects water via fog that passes through the net, which forms water droplets. The accumulated water will then be collected via a gutter that’s connected to a storage tank.”

Watch this video and see for yourself that with a little ingenuity one can overcome adversity.

Photo courtesy of Fellipe Abreu